Category Archives: Paintings, Prints and Collages

Paintings, Prints, Collages

My new TV Show is Live!

Somedays I cannot keep up with myself! Besides finally finding studio space in The Studio Gallery near the airport, looking for a new abode, being a finalist in the Artist Outreach Project with the fabulous Picerne Foundation and doing a couple of art shows, life is busy.

Now, this was fun. I have a new talk show called “Conversations with Susie” – Looks like we’re going to do more of these. Our local channel 6 is looking for 7-minute spots from our tv/video club for their programming. So, after 16 minutes on camera, and tons of encouragement from Scott Marvel, Video Club President and Producer and Mike Ayotte, Director, the club’s studio came alive and produced this 7-minute spot. You’ll see I have a lot to learn, but  I am really proud of it.

Watch me interview a local artist who has unusual subjects. I love her work. On our next show I interview an artist who paints amazing life-like portraits on her iPad using only her finger as a paintbrush. Gotta see to believe!


Range of Motion – new series

Bending to Her Own Will "Range of Motion" series Acrylic on Canvas 30" x 40" by Susie Stockholm

Bending to Her Own Will
“Range of Motion” series
Acrylic on Canvas 30″ x 40″
by Susie Stockholm

The inspiration for beginning this RANGE of  MOTION inquiry is an upcoming art show “Navigating the Journey to Self-Identity” – Compass – at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art. The request is to explore issues of self: gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, other-ness.

What to submit for consideration? Being adopted, glass ceilings, single-motherhood, aging and loss of one’s “old” self as we create a “new” self – the paradox for all of us.

As I move through my 69th year, I realize that aging, as a subject, can be boring and depressing. But exploring aging with increased physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and love abilities, is not. Often it’s humorous and allows senior artists like me to be irreverent.

My “Range of Motion” series begins with improving my personal mobility through Yoga. Physical range is shown in the acrylic painting on canvas “Bending to Her Own Will” in black, white and red. The color palette is simple, yet offers flowing lines and interesting shapes.

Using the iPad is a source of constant upgrading of my own mental range.

Dementia - Help Me Find My B Vitamins!

Dementia – Help Me Find My B Vitamins!
Digital Painting by Susie Stockholm
Prints Available

With the Sketch Club app I created the digital paintings “Fractured Memories 1940-2013” and “Dementia – Help Me Find My B-Vitamins!” using the same color palette of black, white and red.

These reflect the loss suffered as one ages with dementia or Alzheimer’s. They also reflect my personal commitment to create new brain synapses through learning the intricacies of the various art apps. it’s still early in the process. But I am increasing my B-Vitamins to reduce brain shrinkage as a result of new research out this month.

Fractured Memories 1940 - 2013

Fractured Memories 1940 – 2013
Digital Painting by Susie Stockholm
Prints Available



I’m also looking forward to exploring the emotional and spiritual ranges in this series. And am particularly excited about love, not as an emotion, but as an energetic – how love “passes all understanding.” It’s probable that this “Range of Motion” series will never be finished; but it will indeed be full! If you’re interested in following me on this journey, please click here to get updates, as I’ll be adding to this gallery.

Range of Motion Gallery

It’s Showtime!

City Runways #2 by Susie Stockholm Acrylic on Gallery-wrapped canvas 50" x 40"

“City Runways” #2 by Susie Stockholm Acrylic on Gallery-wrapped canvas 50″ x 40″

Great news!! My paintings have been accepted into Bistango Gallery Restaurant’s Fall Exhibition – August through November 2013. Reception is Saturday, August 10th, 3-5pm.

This is an exciting opportunity for hundreds of diners to view my art over a 4-month period. The restaurant is specifically designed to showcase paintings under good lighting where they can be seen from many viewpoints.

"City Runways" by Susie Stockholm, Acrylic on Gallery-Wrapped Canvas  50" x 40"

“City Runways” by Susie Stockholm, Acrylic on Gallery-Wrapped Canvas 50″ x 40″

City Runways – 50″ x 40″ – was selected by the curator (Antoinette Sullivan of Studio Gallery) and Bistango’s owner, with a request for more of the same. Just finished City Runways #2These take forever because I have to create a GridWorks painting first, then tape and paint over most of it.

My smaller-sized Floral Textures series was also selected for inclusion in the exhibition. There’s a lot of texture in each of these and most were created using palette knives. These will look great on side panels that separate the booths. Each diner is gifted with a direct view of one or more paintings. Price points are varied so there’s something for everyone.

Reception for Bistango artists and their guests is Saturday August 10, from 3 to 5pm. I’ll remind you as it gets closer, but please mark your calendars if you’re local. I’d love to see you there. Exhibit runs August through end of November.

"Joyful" by Susie Stockholm Acrylic on canvas 16" x 20"

“Joyful” by Susie Stockholm Acrylic on Canvas 16″ x 20″

IN PROCESS: First, I’ve added “gallery” pages to this blog. I’m still working through the rules as the app is new to me. Second, I have three paintings in process.

"City Litter" (in process) by Susie Stockholm, Acrylic, Mixed, 50" x 40"

“City Litter” (in process) by Susie Stockholm, Acrylic, Mixed, 50″ x 40″

City Litter is part of the City series (more about that in another post), another is a fun abstract which seems to morph each day. Eventually I will declare it finished. And the third is Joyful, a flower painting I’m adding to the exhibition. Flowers are such fun; and because they are not tedious, I’m generally smiling while painting.  A final glaze on this one and it’s ready to go. I used a slice of this painting to create the new blog banner. What do you think?

Hope you all enjoyed a few moments of gratefulness on Independence Day. I was blessed to be with family.

Love to all,
