“Overwhelmed” 30 x 40″ acrylic on canvas. Inspired by WomboDream AI app using the words: I am a woman stalled in creating art reflecting my feelings.
I seem to have gotten over it.

“Overwhelmed” 30 x 40″ acrylic on canvas. Inspired by WomboDream AI app using the words: I am a woman stalled in creating art reflecting my feelings.
I seem to have gotten over it.
Flowers are always blooming here in Southern California. “California Bloomin’ is the first painting completed in our new Resident Art Studio. This painting springs from the joy of having a sacred creative space with great lighting and a wonderful view of nature.
This project was given as a challenge to create one painting of my most important feelings each week for a year. The intent is to be able to show how my life changed during that time by being willing to feel all my stuff – good and icky – and then dumping it into an artwork. More will be revealed next year to you (and to me) when I’ve completed the project. Until then, I’ll post fun stuff I’m learning in classes, as well as where my artwork can be seen and purchased. Cheers!
Here I take photos of items that are historic and date-sensitive – a 2020 Coronavirus COVID-19 Economic Recovery check and self-promoting letter from an illegitimate US President. Juxtapose with timeless beings, like the ever-blooming rose. Include slightly changed reference to James Bond movie “Live and Let Die” song covered by “Guns and Roses” and played while said President was visiting a mask factory – not wearing a mask.
The rose doesn’t know we’re in the middle of a US pandemic that could have been avoided. The rose just does what a rose does. It grows into its beauty and if we’re lucky, and live through the Spring, we’ll get to see its brothers and sisters!
Maybe that’s the lesson. Just do what you’re born do. Be kind, be generous and be peace. And for heaven’s sakes VOTE because this time your life depends on it.
Love to all, Susie